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3-4 LICT Ideas

Page history last edited by mkalyniuk@... 15 years, 8 months ago



LICT Ideas for 3-4 Classrooms


Social Studies:


Province slide show.ppt(we used Flickr and created magazine covers for each province.  Criteria set and Writing Process used before these were published).


O Canada2.wmv


Grade 4 Powerpoints on Canadian Provinces:

Yukon Brynne.ppt

Nova Scotia Madision.ppt

Quebec kaitlyn.ppt













Craig's Graph.doc


Student Samples:




 All About 3-D Shapes.ppt 





Group 3 Extreme Weather.ppt


Example of Powerpoint for Light unit- Had to find images and write text about each component: La lumière.ppt


Example of an Inspiration web ( graphic organizer) about How the Earth has changed? Rocks and Minerals Unit : 

Comment la Terre était-elle transformée.isf


Kidspriation Science Experiment ems.kid


English Language Arts:


ABC book Final.ppt   ( Students created an ABC book with Powerpoint in a novel study.


Pumpkin Sketches PhotoStory.wmv


6 + 1 writing traits- Organization

How To....



Christmas Photo Story.wmv






Food groups.doc





I have decided to use a powerpoint slide show to do my portfolio.  The first page is set up as a virtual classroom and the other pages are old school powerpoint. This is my draft copy that the students can use to hyperlink and type to.





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